
Weifan Zhou / 2023-02-20

Coffee never works for me. I mean, unlike some of my friends whose heartrate speed up by coffee, nothing happens to me, and it was totally fine for me to sleep after drinking coffee. The problem is they can stay up late but waken up by coffee, which is impossible for me. And I was not obsessed by the coffee flavor, so I rarely drank it.

Two weeks ago I tried caramel frappuchino. I finally got the coffee taste, not just bitter or sweetness. So, I started ordering coffee everyday, as a liquid snack.

But something changed yesterday. I got to the school coffee shop and got that they are out of iced coffee (which is included in the meal swipes), but they still have hot coffee and latte. I was confused, what was the difference between iced coffee and hot coffee? I guess the only difference was the ice, and the thing was they are running out of ice (I tried iced coffee without ice before -- it was extremely hot). I ordered one hot coffee since it was also in the meal exchange.

My guess with hot coffee was wrong. They push coffee from another tank! And the coffee was warm, not that hot!

And I was shocked that the hot coffee (seemed) tastes better, not as bitter as the iced coffee! I was confused.

The next day I decided to get the same one. When the serving student asked me "medium or xxx(heavy?) brewed", I realized they are using different coffee beans! And probably (I'm just guessing) the beans for iced and hot ones were different!

Another thing is, after drinking coffee today, I feel like the coffee beans used at school is not as good as private stores. Is that because of cheaper coffee beans, or because coffee are not freshly made? I know that my school coffee shop is not a standard Starbucks (the college got the permission of same gredients, but it does not belong to the chain coffee shops), but I started to think about if coffee shops are like selling fast food. I do not mean to insult Starbucks, but the school coffee gave me an impression, that why we students are using a higher price to get coffee than the home made one. Can others differentiate the coffee bean tastes? And are there any better choices? For example, a better chain stores, or other than the chain stores.

I was thinking of my meal swipes. Luckily, I came up with an idea: buy a mini juice blender, which was cheap. Thus, I can buy coffee with syrups and lots of ice using meal swipes, put them in the blender, and make frappuchino, without spending munch money.

Last modified on 2023-02-20