(Possible?) Psychology Article Review Helper Guide

Weifan Zhou / 2023-04-20

Reminder for those catching ddl in psyc paper:

If you are out of time, here are 2 options.

  1. Choose an easy but shallow topic. Summarizing articles can be easy if your topic isn’t too hard, but you may struggle with minimum page requirement. Choose this pathway if you are not interested in psychology or you want to finish project as soon as possible.
  2. Choose a topic related to recent research or from an interdiciplinary research. The theme can be fun, but the first few articles (especially those containing ERP scans) can be extremely difficult to understand. But for your long term research plans, they worth reading.

For behaviral neuroscience, if you have no idea about which papers you should choose, think about which topic can fulfill those requirements:

  1. Background: why the newest research was conducted
  2. Experiments which examine Brain functions & places
  3. Lesions & Case studies, which also support the brain function. (Case studies are easier to read than long experiments.)
  • Above is my way of reaching pages. Hope they are helpful for organizing papers.

For reading papers, you may notice most papers are devided into those parts:

  1. Background: previous research
  2. Equippments: Is the equippment for brain structure or brain activity?
  3. Experiments
  4. Conclusion

Last modified on 2023-04-20