Cities: Skylines (4) -- Water

Weifan Zhou / 2023-11-23

In my second Cities: Skylines post, trash stations, which brought significant pollution, had a huge impact on residents' health nearby. In this post, I am going to introduce another source of pollution: sewage.

Imagine a river flowing from the north to the south, passing through a city. What if the water pump was placed in the south, at the bottom of the river, while the sewage drain was at the top of the river? Water is polluted, and your residents are drinking water pumped from a polluted area. If you try this out in Cities: Skylines, you will find your residents getting sick several weeks after you place the water pump and drain.

if you put the water pump above sewage drain, your citizens are going to be sick
If you put the water pump above sewage drain, your citizens are going to be sick

Pollution itself is unavoidable, but it should be separated from residents. At the very least, sewage drains should not be located above any water pumps. If a city is going to expand, especially at the bottom of the river, pump more water from the upper river instead of where the new city is located.

Meanwhile, there is another factor to be considered. If the government plans to construct a dam for generating electricity, is there any potential effect on water supplies? Yes. If the dam is above the city and the water pump, water is partially blocked at the upper part of the river, leading to less water supply in the lower part. In a more serious occasion, the riverbed below the dam dried up, making the water pump unable to work.

If the pump is at the bottom of the river, some cities above that may face the risk of floods because more water accumulates at the top of the river.

What if the dam is at the intersection of two rivers? The dam may change the direction of river flows, and if there is a drain on the river, residents may drink polluted water after the river direction changes.

Thus, when considering locations of water pumps, sewage drains, and dams, especially when building a new city near an old one, consider the direction of rivers.

Last modified on 2023-11-23