Cities: Skylines (5) -- Fire

Weifan Zhou / 2023-11-28

Note: I have not experienced a wildfire in the Natural Disaster mod. More content will be added once I've enabled the Natural Disaster mod.

In the first few city stages, funds are too limited to construct fire stations on every street. So, it is important to see where fires are more likely to occur.

In Cities: Skylines, you can view fire risks in the menu by looking at each building's color. Blue indicates low fire risk while brown shows a higher fire risk. You will find that in industrial areas, the building color is darker in the fire risk map, and near the forest, there are red dots, indicating they are flammable to cause fire (however, I have not tried Natural Disaster mod, I will not dive deeper into that).

When you construct a new city, your funds only allow you to build one small fire station. Once you locate a fire station near the living quarters or comercial zones, houses and stores will show blue, which means that they have low fire risks. However, if fire stations are constructed near the industrial zone, industrial buildings are still in brown, and the risk decrease is not as sufficient as in the residential zone.

I researched the main causes of fires in industries and found that the main factors include combustible dust, hot work, oil, etc. You can check this link if you wish to know more. Obviously, the cause of fire in industrial areas are different from comercial or resendential zones. For For example, the main sources of commercial fires include cooking, heating equipment, electrical equipment, and so on. You can check the link here.

It seems that the factory is more likely to experience a fire. To avoid fire spread, one solution is to add smoke detector. In Cities: Skylines, you can sketch a district and rule buildings inside that distrit to install smoke detectors. However, the smoke detector policy can be money consuming, so I only apply that to the industrial area. This is a method when you don't have funds to build a new fire station or fire department, or when the district is far away from them. Once you receive more funds, you can construct fire departments. And remember, due to the nature of factories, they may require more fire stations.

Last modified on 2023-11-28